Chris Greenhalgh, 2007-01-29; last updated 2007-10-24
Module: equip2webapp
It is licensed under the (so-called) new or modified BSD Open Source
EQUIP2 itself is in the same repository in the module 'equip2'. The dependencies are
in the same repository in the module 'dependencies'.
Download and install/unpack the dependencies from the dependencies
module (see previous section). The default installation expects these
to be in the directory ../dependencies/lib
(as configured in
Java SDK 1.5+ and Apache Ant
are required.
In addition you may require Apache Xalan, although in theory the XSL support in Java 1.5+ should be sufficient (but we have had occasional problems).
In addition, to run the scripting examples in the tutorial web
application you also need to have:
You will also need a J2EE servlet (2.4) container such as Jetty or
Tomcat (see EQUIP2_WebApp_Deploying.html)
and a database (see below).
<property value="equip2minimalwebapp" name="webappname"/>
If additional database classes are required (to be generated), then add
the appropriate bean/helper/database mapping generation operations to
the generate target:<target name="generate" depends="init,xalan_check,equip2tools_check" unless="generated.uptodate">
<mkdir dir="${generated}/equip2/db"/>
<!-- e.g. -->
<!-- <java fork="true" classname="" failonerror="true">
<classpath refid="classpath_tools"/>
<arg value="${equip2home}/etc/bean2java.xsl"/>
<arg value="etc/lovecity.db.Bond.xml"/>
<arg value="${generated}/lovecity/db/"/>
<arg value="${equip2home}/etc/bean2javahelper.xsl"/>
<arg value="etc/lovecity.db.Bond.xml"/>
<arg value="${generated}/lovecity/db/"/>
<arg value="${equip2home}/etc/bean2hibernatehbm.xsl"/>
<arg value="etc/lovecity.db.Bond.xml"/>
<arg value="${generated}/lovecity/db/Bond.hbm.xml"/>
</java> -->
If additional dependencies are
introduced (e.g. JDBC drivers, other libraries) then these must be
<!-- HSQLDB in-process database - simple/testing/development -->
<property name="connection.driver_class">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</property>
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:hsqldb:file:hsql_test_db</property>
<property name="connection.username">sa</property>
<property name="connection.password"></property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property>
Note that the username & password are standard HSQLDB defaults for an in-process database.
The nice thing about this is that no separate install is required. However, HSQLDB may be less durable than mySQL in the presence of some failures. It is also unclear how well its performance scales to larger dataspaces.
Change the Hibernate database driver configuration to refect the database name/file to be used with the deployed web application:<property name="connection.url">jdbc:hsqldb:file:hsql_equip2minimal_db</property>
mySQL is a popular freely-available database. It requires a separate download and install. It also requires that the database to be used be explicitly created within the (logically shared) mySQL database server.
You will need to set the database URL, username, password, driver and dialect configuration, e.g:
<!-- mysql - production -->
<property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql:///equip2</property>
<property name="connection.username">equip2</property>
<property name="connection.password">equip2</property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
You will require the MySQL Java connector, currently version 3.1.12 (i.e. mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar) in the dependencies directory or lib/ and update build.xml accordingly (see above).
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql:///equip2minimal</property>
<property name="connection.username">equip2minimal</property>
<property name="connection.password">equip2minimalpw</property>
<property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
You will also need to copy the appropriate JDBC driver JAR(s) to the
dependencies directory or lib/,
and update build.xml accordingly (see above).
If you have added/changed the classes to be persistet by Hibernate (i.e. to be stored in the persistent EQUIP2 dataspace), then update the mappings sections accordingly:
<mapping resource="equip2/spring/db/NextID.hbm.xml"/>
<!-- persistent class mappings... -->
Edit <display-name>
and <description>
to reflect the name and description of the your web application.
If you will have more than one EQUIP2 web application in the same
Servlet container then you will need to change the webAppRootKey
parameter name used by Log4j:
This file also needs to be changed if you:
log4j.appender.logfile.File=${equip2webapp.root}/WEB-INF/webapp.logThe equip2webapp.root property is configured in web.xml, and must be unique between all web applications in a single Servlet container (e.g. Tomcat instance) - you'll need to change it if you have more than one EQUIP2 web app in the same container!
<!-- dataspace logger -->
<bean id="dataspaceLogger" class="equip2.core.logging.j2se.SimpleFileDataspaceLogger">
<!-- String dirname, String prefix, String suffix,
boolean checkpointFlag, int encoding (1=Hessian, 2=XML), Hashtable headerMetadata -->
<!-- windows or jetty --> <constructor-arg><value>logs</value></constructor-arg>
<!-- tomcat on linux <constructor-arg><value>/usr/local/logs/</value></constructor-arg> -->
<constructor-arg><map><entry key="application" value="equip2minimalwebapp"/></map></constructor-arg>
Note that the web application will not start up successfully if the
logging directory does not exist.
If you add more database classes and want the forms to generate IDs
automatically then you will need to configure the
with suitable entries:
<!-- ID allocation common thing -->
<bean id="dbIdAllocator" class="equip2.spring.DbGenericIDAllocator">
<property name="dataspace"><ref bean="dataspace"/></property>
<!-- map of classname to IDAllocationBean, describing how the ID
property (if any) should be allocated using the IDAllocator. -->
<property name="idAllocations">
<!-- e.g. --> <entry key="lovecity.db.Agent">
<bean class="equip2.spring.IDAllocationBean">
<property name="fixedPrefix" value="A"/>
You will also edit this file to add more application-scoped objects
to the application.
<property name="defaultPackageName"><value>equip2.spring.db</value></property>
If you have database objects with properties that contain IDs of other
objects but do not have property names of the form '[otherClassName]ID' then you
will need to declare this to the generic view controller for pull-down
choosers to work for add/update:<bean id="genViewController" class="equip2.spring.DbGenericController">If you want to use the CSV bulk dump/upload function then you can optionally specify the order of columns in the CSV file (classPropertiesInOrder) and/or the explanatory text output with each column (classPropertiesDescriptions) by configuring the DbViewController:
<!-- properties which hold an ID of an instance of another class which
do not conform to simple heuristic check <class>ID or ...<class>ID -->
<property name="linkedObjectProperties">
<!-- e.g. <entry key="home_cityID" value="lovecity.db.City"/> -->
<bean id="dbViewController" class="equip2.spring.DbViewController">
<!-- map class name - > Array of String (property name) -->
<property name="classPropertiesInOrder">
<!-- e.g. <entry key="lovecity.db.City"><list><value>ID</value></list></entry> -->
<!-- map class name - > map of property name - > description -->
<property name="classPropertyDescriptions">
<!-- e.g.<entry key="lovecity.db.City">
<entry key="ID" value="Database internal ID"/>
</entry> -->
See also EQUIP2_WebApp_Defining_the_Dataspace.html
for more detail of database forms interface configuration options if
you have added new data classes.
Obtain all depdencies and edit ../
reflect the installed locations of the dependencies. (tomcathome is used only
local deployment - see EQUIP2_WebApp_Deploying.html).
NOTE: if you are using a different version of the external dependencies (Spring, Hibernate, database etc.) then you may need to change the classpath(s) in build.xml, especially classpath_hibernate, and the filesets in the webapp target to use/copy the current versions of requires JARs.
Build the WAR file:
> ant war
To run any JUnit tests (configured in the build.xml
'test' target - see EQUIP2_WebApp_Unit_Testing.html)
> ant test
Now deploy and test the web