The packate defines a protocol-independent remote
dataspace access and serving API. In particular, allows the construction of servers and the
their association to particular dataspaces, while allows the creation of proxies for remote
dataspaces which can be accessed via
instances obtained from it.
These classes take URLs to specify the protocol to be used to
expose/access the dataspace. There are currently two supported
> java equip2:socket://:9123 ds1 memory
Note the DataspaceServer URL which specifies the EQUIP2 remote
protocol, using a TCP (server) socket on port 9123. The dataspace name
is specified as 'ds1' and of type 'memory' (i.e. transient).As a test example, the tutorial application can be used to share mouse clicks via such as dataspace, e.g. by:
> java \Note the RemoteDataspace URL which specifies the EQUIP2 remote protocol, using a TCP (client) socket connecting to the local machine, port 9123, and using the specific marshalling (protocol=...) 'text/x-actionscript', which is implemented by the equip2.core.marshall.impl.ECMAScriptMarshaller and ECMAScriptUnmarshaller classes.
equip2:socket://localhost:9123;protocol=text/x-actionscript ds1 p1
The server responds with a single similar line identifying the
protocol that will be used. In principle this might be different from
that suggested by the client.
Subsequent interaction is remote method invocations initiated by the
client, each with a single response. Each request is encoded as an
instance of class equip2.core.marshall.MethodCallRequest (which is
generated from etc/equip2.core.marshall.MethodCallRequest.xml by the Simple_Bean_Generator). Each
request generates a single response which is an instance of class
equip2.core.marshall.MethodCallResponse (which is generated from
etc/equip2.core.marshall.MethodCallReply.xml similarly).
The properties of MethodCallRequest are:
/** Remote Dataspace RPC interface
* Autogenerated by interface2javainterface.xsl */
public interface IRemoteDataspace {
/** announce/register a new client. */
java.lang.String newClient( java.lang.String dataspaceName )
throws, equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method - match. */
java.lang.Object[] sessionMatch( java.lang.String sessionName, java.lang.Object template, boolean readOnly )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method - match. */
int sessionCountReadonly( java.lang.String sessionName, java.lang.Object template )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method - match. */
java.lang.Object sessionGet( java.lang.String sessionName, java.lang.String classname, java.lang.Object identity )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method. */
void sessionBegin( java.lang.String sessionName, int sessionType )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method. */
void sessionEnd( java.lang.String sessionName, equip2.core.impl.SessionManagedObject[] changedObjects )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method. */
void sessionAbort( java.lang.String sessionName )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** concrete implementation of addlistener */
void doAddChangeListener( java.lang.String localListenerId )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** IDataspaceSession core method. */
void doAddObjectsListener( java.lang.String localListenerId, java.lang.Object templateValue, int realChangeMask )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** concrete implementation of removeistener. */
void doRemoveListener( java.lang.String localListenerId )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** concrete implementation of islistener */
boolean doIsListener( java.lang.String localListenerId )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
/** get callback information for listeners. */[] pollListeners( )
throws equip2.rpc.RpcException;
This API corresponds directly to the dataspace internal interface
equip2.core.impl.IDataspaceSession and the listener interface
equip2.core.IEventManagement (except that Strings are used in some
cases rather than local/unmarshallable objects, such as sessions).
A new client MUST perform a newClient request first to identify the
dataspace which it wishes to access. This will fail if the connected
server has not been registered with a dataspace of that name.
As usual, listener operation should be performed OUTSIDE a session,
whereas other operations must be bracketed by sessionBegin/sessionEnd
calls. NOTE: At present a single connection cannot support multiple
concurrent sessions.
Refer to EQUIP2_Introduction.html
for general descriptions of the API operations. Changes are described
by suitably configured instances of class
equip2.core.impl.SessionManagedObject (which are generated internally
by the normal dataspace session objects and the DataspaceConnection
See below for examples. Note that
equip2.core.objectsupport.impl.Coerce.coerce(Object value, String
classname) will perform most of the corrective coercions that arise
from the asymetry of this transformation, e.g. cast long to int or
short as required. This is used in the auto-generated bean helpers and
remote interface stubs.
For compatibility with the Flash XMLSocket a '0' byte is marshalled
after every request or response object, however it is not required, so
for testing can be omitted.
text/x-actionscript[newline]Acceptance response from server:
Announcing a new client and requesting use of dataspace 'ds1' (do
not include new lines):
Note the marshalling of an instance of class
equip2.core.marshall.MethodCallRequest as an ActionScript object with
the property _classname as the name of the corresponding Java class.
Success response:
Client request to begin a session (session identified 's1', type
read/write - ISession.READ_WRITE=1):
Client request to match any in that session (session 's1', null
template, readonly = false):
Example success response:
Client request to end session with no changes: