Configuring ECT for web-caches/proxies

Created by Stefan Rennick Egglestone 2006-02-09
Last update by Stefan Rennick Egglestone 2006-02-09

Configuration when using Method 1 to start ECT
Configuration when using Method 2 to start ECT

A number of components provided with ECT can make use of a connection to the web. Examples are SimpleMediaViewer (allows you to view web-pages) and RSSClient (allows you to access RSS feeds). If your web-access is through a web-cache/web-proxy then you will need to provide ECT with the details of these caches/proxies before these components can work properly.

The exact method by which you do this depends upon whether you are starting ECT via Method 1 or Method 2.

Configuration when using Method 1 to start ECT(ie using the runWebstart.bat batch file)

Open up the runWebstart.bat batch file. You will see a number of lines that look something like this:

  set ECT_PROXY_SETTINGS=-DproxySet=false
  rem set ECT_PROXY_SETTINGS=-DproxySet=true
  rem set ECT_PROXY_SETTINGS=%ECT_PROXY_SETTINGS% -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128
  rem set ECT_PROXY_SETTINGS=%ECT_PROXY_SETTINGS% -Dhttp.nonProxyHost="localhost|128.243.*"

Modify these lines so that they reflect the details of your web-cache/web-proxy. Hint -

Configuration when using Method 2 to start ECT(ie by using batch files in the script directory)

Follow the same procedure as for method 1 above, but instead modify the runExporterGUI.bat file in directory scripts. See file runExporterGUINotts.bat for an example.