Online documentation for SMS

Generated 2006-03-17

A component which can be used to send and receive SMS


This component can be used to send and receive SMS messages. To do this, it must be used on a computer which is attached to a GSM device that can be fully controlled using AT commands (AT commands represent a standard for controlling GSM devices from computers). It has been fully tested with an MTC45 GSM/GPRS modem (which uses a Siemens MC45 GPRS module), and is likely to work with any GSM modem. It may also work when connected to a mobile phone (see your phone instructions for details of how to connect your phone to a computer). However, although AT commands can be used to send SMS through many mobile phones, it is common for AT commands which support the receiving of SMS not to work properly. Hence, if you wish to receive SMS, the use of a GSM modem is recommended.


With whatever device you wish to use, you have to attach it to your computer in such a way as to make it visible as a COM port. GSM modems commonly connect directly to a computer's serial port, and require no driver installation (since the serial port automatically appears as a COM port). Newer modems may connect via USB, and require a driver to create a virtual COM port representing the device. Mobile phones may also connect via USB and require driver installation. Check your manual for more details.


To configure the component, first set the following properties to values which are correct for your device and driver set-up (you may need to look these up in your manual)

A typical baud rate for communicating with the MC45 GSM modem is 19200 baud.

Then set the configured property to true. If the component successfully connects to the device using the settings that you have provided, then property connected will be set to true. If not, then you will be given an error message (through property attention) indicating the error.

Note that only one device can use a serial port at any one time, so you can only run one component per GSM device. To disconnect from the GSM device, set configured to false.


To send a message, enter the phone number you wish to send to into property sendTo, and then enter the message you wish to send into property sendMessage. Depending upon the properties of the GSM device you are using, there may be limits on the length of message that you send (your message may be truncated if it is too long for your device to handle).

The most-recent message received will always be displayed through property receivedMessage, and will be archived to a list of received messages on property messages. Note that a message may be deleted from your GSM device by the component as soon as it has received it, to save storage space on the SIM card being used by the device.

Technical Details

The component uses the Java comm api to interact with a GSM device, by sending AT commands over a comm connection.