Online documentation for SmartItsInstance

Generated 2006-03-17

Represents a single SmartIt - created by SmartItsFactory.


Represents a single SmartIt - created by SmartItsFactory.

Based on combination of smartit.SmartItsDefault and subcomponenttest. This is pretty much a dummy component controlled by the SmartItsFactory.

Sensor boards attached to the Smart-its, include accelerometer, light, movement (PIR), temperature, and touch sensors.

Smart-Its are discovered upon the first identifiable message received at the base station.


Attach a Smart-It station to a serial port in order to receive messages from other Smart-Its. Make sure the protocol and message format in the Smart-It PICs are compatible.


See SmartItsFactory for configuration details.


Deploy through SmartItsFactory.

Technical Details

There is no current standard for smart-it PIC code, and message parsing is based on ACCORDs ( original implementation. The PIC code is resides within the ECT repository (ect\java\resources\smartits).